Portfolio Critique

A personalised 1.5 hour detailed critique session

Portfolio Critique

The lack of serious discussion in today’s social media dominated world is cause for alarm for many artists. This service is inspired by a need for proper critique to cut through the endless hive mind often found online. Join me for a 1.5hr session to discuss up to 10 of your photographs in detail.

Learn more about a Critique session here or purchase your session below.

Portfolio Critique
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I have a background in Architecture where critique was an essential weekly tool used to move forward with our work. I would often lead sessions with undergraduate students to assess their work. In our photography critique, we will discuss both positives and negatives, key take-aways, overarching themes, areas to improve on, in the field and/or editing techniques, etc.

All you need is an email address, internet connection, and to speak English! We will go through your each of your images and have a healthy discussion to see where you can do better. You’ll also receive a recording of the session so you can watch back at a later date. When you have made your booking, I’ll be in touch to organise a date and time. Please do allow some time for me to respond as I may be off-grid in the field making photographs! Any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch at murray.n.livingston@gmail.com. I look forward to our critique session together.